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Who is responsible for cleaning snow filled streets?
The City of Muncie Street Department clears all public streets. There are, however, several streets within the city limits which are private and therefore the responsibility of private contractors or fall under the jurisdiction and maintenance of Yorktown, Delaware County Highway or the Indiana Department of Transportation. City of Muncie Street Department crews work in 8-hour shifts, unless on overtime/call outs. Using 13 snow plows 2 F-550s equipped with a plow and salt spreader. Guidelines list priority streets based on traffic volume and necessity to move emergency traffic through that area.
Which streets are plowed first?
The City of Muncie Street Department follows a priority plowing system for approximately 350.7 lane miles of streets. Our crew's first priority is to keep primary streets clear. When this is accomplished they will move on to secondary and alternate streets.
Primary - Main thoroughfares, classified as arterials, hills and bridges.
Secondary - Main streets through subdivisions, roads that link arterials and streets with schools.
Alternates - Minor residential streets, side streets and cul-de-sac.
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